Curriculum Overview
Our principal aim at The Hawthorns is to prepare pupils for adulthood so that they can take up their place in society with pride, contribute to the community, and be able to self-advocate with confidence. To do this they will acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes for purposeful employment, independence and leisure.
Lack of flexibility, low self-esteem and anxiety are all addressed through sensitive and focused teaching. We work from what the pupil already knows and identify gaps in learning, carefully blending academic learning, functional ability and personal development through precise planning.
Pupils participate in a full, broad and balanced curriculum relevant to their stages of learning and development. Subject areas are organised into the Core Curriculum, Creative Curriculum and LIFE Curriculum (Living In a Functional Environment) to reflect our purpose. We follow the National Curriculum which we adapt and adjust to meet the needs of our pupils. All our pupils are working well below Age Related Expectation (ARE) in most areas but, with adaptations and carefully scaffolded support, can engage and make progress with learning.
We focus on the acquisition of skills and knowledge in subject areas through a thematic approach. Teachers make explicit links to other subjects ensuring knowledge is taught systematically and allowing learning to take place in a range of contexts.
The curriculum is logical and sequenced with a clear pedagogy at every stage of learning, directing and informing our practice. The curriculum and teaching are designed to motivate engagement, ignite a desire for learning and promote curiosity and aspiration. We want our pupils to gain the confidence to participate, develop the essential knowledge and skills for daily life and adulthood through the development of formal qualifications, where appropriate, and functional skills.
All pupils will have challenges around social communication and developing skill and confidence must be embedded in everything we do so that pupils are able to communicate effectively with a range of people.
Core threads running through the school are the personal and social development of our pupils so that they can keep themselves safe, healthy and self-advocate. For all these reasons, pupils have a range of opportunities both within school and in the wider community to increase their range of experiences, apply skills and develop confidence in navigating the world.
As pupils move through the school, they will develop the skills for increased independence and necessary qualities, attitudes and qualifications for next steps in learning or employment relevant for them.
Developing functional skills for daily life are core elements to our curriculum and teaching.
Please see 6 Outcomes document. Individual subjects have their own areas.